Community Organizing
About BHCA's C.O.R.E Team!
BHCA believes safety is a critical component of any vibrant community. As part of our Public Safety initiative BHCA is the lead agency for the “Community Based Crime Reduction” (CBCR) program, administered by the Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Assistance. This program supports data-driven, comprehensive and community-oriented strategies to reduce crime and spur community revitalization. To implement the CBCR initiative, BHCA developed the Community Organizers for Residential Engagement (C.O.R.E.) Team. This group of youth leaders ages 18-25 years old are learning to utilize community organizing strategies to address public safety and improve community/ police relations, in order to reduce crime in north Hartford. CBCR is in collaboration with the City of Hartford, Hartford Police Department, Central CT State University (CCSU) and other community stakeholders.
Community Organizing Staff
Kelvin Lovejoy
(Lead Community Organizer)
Office # 860.560.7360
Fax # 860.242.0741
Michelle Debarba
(Community Organizer)
Office # 860.560.7360
Reneesha Baugh
(Community Organizer)
Office # 860.560.7360
Connect with us:
For more information about BHCA Community Organizing please fill out the form below and we will be in touch.